ARB INTERNATIONAL offer the companies the most specific and complete information in Market Intelligence.
The information we provide is unique in Europe with the main objective of analyzing markets, increasing exports, looking for new clients and how to approach markets. Our Programs are mainly Practical and Methodical.
You will be surprised with the results.
Market Intelligence offers the following programs:
Product export/import analysis per Custom code and country.
A useful tool for an Export Company (SME) in order to analyze the strategy to follow for accessing a new market.
Track Competitors is an essential tool for analyzing the most important competitors to a company in a target market.
Individualized report prepared by country with the product information and a list of buyers/importers with their corresponding contact details.
Global analysis of the company’s product, competitors, distribution channels, trading, etc.
Specialized training intended for the personnel at the International Departments with a very practical and strategic approach.
c/ Alarcos, 17 13001 Ciudad Real
Tel. +34 926 048 414